Effect: You produce two rabbits that magically jump back and forth from the magician’s hand to the spectator’s hand. When the spectator opens his hands the final time, he is stunned to find that a litter of baby rabbits has magically appeared in his hands. This routine can also be performed with sponge balls.

Secret: For this trick, little sponge rabbits, which are standard fair at any magic shop or on-line, are used. My favorite, because of their excellent quality, are Eddie Ace’s sponge rabbits. You will need two larger rabbits, Mama and Papa, and four or more smaller baby rabbits.

1. Two cute little sponge rabbits are introduced as Mama and Papa rabbit. Have the spectator hold out his hand and tell him you will put Mama your hand and Papa in his hand. Both hands are closed tightly so they can’t escape.

2. Snapping your finger to indicate the magic has happened, you both open your hands to discover that Mama and Papa have magically changed places (though nothing has really happened yet). This is your chance to add a little humor to the trick. Say, “Don’t worry, it gets better.”

3. Noticing the spectator is not impressed, you continue. Telling him that they are always happiest when together, you pretend to put Mama in your hand but secretly retain Mama by executing a false transfer to your left (or right if you are left-handed) hand. You now put both rabbits in the spectator’s hand, helping him to close it so that he doesn’t realize he has both in his hand.

4. Telling the spectator that Mama is gone, you open your hand to show it empty. When the spectator opens his hand, he is surprised to find both rabbits are now in his hand. Using his surprise as misdirection, turn slightly toward your right and unobtrusively reach into your pocket and palm as many little (baby) rabbits as you can fit in your hand.

5. Ask the spectator if he would like to do the magic this time. Tell him that you are going to start with both Mama and Papa in his hand. With the baby rabbits still concealed in your hand, pick up Mama and Papa along with them and put all the rabbits into his hand, again helping him to close it so he cannot detect the additional rabbits. 16

6. When you open your hand to reveal that nothing has happened, tell the spectator that you’re afraid that Mama and Papa have been together too long and you know what happens when rabbits are left alone… He opens his hand and to his surprise, he finds Mama, Papa and all their baby rabbits in his hand.

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